But from everything I can see, there is no way to know what an enemy's level is, at any point! So how do I know what any of these numbers mean? I understand that I can just use trial and error, and I guess the argument can be made that this makes it more "realistic" but then why mix and match these metaphors.
Skyrim Special Edition Display Enemy Level
Like the another person has also suggested you should visit and you can look up each type of enemy from the monsters and creatures to NPCS, and all of the different types and levels of each on that site! Hope this helps!
Maybe I'm missing something, like a particular command/keystroke/etc, but does anyone know how to view the name of a NPC before actually getting into combat or close up with them? All too often, I feel like I can be hiding somewhere and looking straight at NPCs for a while trying to figure out what or who they are just by their actions or visual look, with my crosshairs right on top of them. I get no text to tell me what their name is or what type of creature they are unless I initiate combat with them, or get so close to them that I can pick their pocket. In some cases this might be a good thing, because like real life, how do you know who or what exactly someone is if you never met them before. We don't get heads up displays to tell us who people are when we see them in real life... In other cases, and in this game it can really matter especially if you use any mod that delevels the game, you can be looking at a level 60 variant of a creature that looks just like a level 1 variant trying to decide if you are going to fight it and stand a chance or get 1-hitted. Those are the cases that make not being able to tell ahead of time retarded. Also, other NPCs seem to know exactly what they are looking at.
Thanks for the suggestion - know of anything that's more immersive or better integrated at just giving the player some kind of quick assessment of the NPC in the distance? Since it seems as though there is nothing built in the game like this. It would be cool if someone made a mod that will give you a difficulty rating of a NPC if you point the cursor at them and press a particular key. It could take your level and then compare that to the level of the enemy and then give an indication like "very easy", "easy", "fair", "hard", "very hard". And it can be a color range from green to red. I'm surprised no one good at creating mods thought of this idea before.